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Daily Strength Blog

Daniel 5-7, 2 John • Key Verse: 2 John 6

If we were to define love the way it is portrayed in the media today, the result would be a definition of something not found in the Bible. Love is not the unexpected emotion that justifies a deserting of commitments and the abandonment of morals. Yet that is the “stuff” of love stories today. Emotions run hot and heavy. Spouses are deserted as well as other obligations. Morals typically do not enter the picture.

Yes, we are told to “love one another” (v. 5), but read on. The very next verse states, “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands” (v. 6). Love and obedience go hand in hand.
First, notice that love can be commanded. The first part of loving 6ne another is an act of obedience, not a rush of emotion. Certainly emotion is involved, but essentially the love commanded is an act of the will.

Then notice that love and obedience must go together. We cannot separate our relationship with God from our relationship with others. When we seek to live according to Gods Word, how we act toward others will be affected positively. It may sound like an oversimplification, but the truth is this: live the Word and those around you will be loved.

To love without obedience is to conform to the world and its view of love. But to love one another and obey God is to conform to the Word. Love and obedience are to go hand in hand, always.

Have you tried to love and not obey? It cant be done. Decide today to obey God’s Word and look for ways that this will help you “love one another. ”

Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett

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