Ezekiel30-32, 1 Peter 4 • Key Verse: 1 Peter 4:7
What will you be doing on the evening of April 15? Millions of Americans will feverishly be
finishing their income-tax returns. Postal workers will be stationed at the post office waiting to
collect the forms of those last-minute filers. If you wait until the literal eleventh hour to do your
taxes, then the evening of April 15 is a night of singular focus. You are intent on one thing,
refusing to be distracted until the envelope is in the mail, postmarked before midnight.
God wants us to have a singleness of mind, living, thinking and using our time as one
approaching a deadline—because in reality we are facing a deadline. “The end of all things is
near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray” (4:7).
The Bible does not tell us when the end of all things will come, but we are to live with the
expectancy that it could be soon. None of us knows how long we will live nor when Jesus will
come again. Our time on this earth will conclude with either our death or with the Rapture, both
of which could happen at any time. Either way, we will instantly be in God’s presence.
Peter wants us to realize and remember this in such a way that it affects the way we live and
pray. More important than being ready for a tax deadline is being ready for Jesus’ return.
It seems easier to focus on tax returns than on Jesus’ return. Ask God to help you live with a
sense of immediacy. Jesus could come today.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett
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