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Daily Strength Blog

Jeremiah 27—29, Titus 3 • Key Verse: T'itus 3:1
In the United States', the month of November includes the day we vote. Campaigns are
concluded as votes are cast for office holders on the national, state and local levels.
Some will be reelected, while others will be elected to their first term. Some of those for

whom you vote will be elected; others will not. No matter who wins, the day comes
when those chosen by the voters will assume office; they will form our government.
It may not be our typical way of thinking about these elected people, but they are our
“rulers and authorities.” From the local collector of taxes to the president of the United
States, this is the phrase the Bible uses to describe them.
The Christian is given straightforward instruction regarding the authorities in our cities,
states and nation. We are to be subject to these authorities, obeying the government
without compromise but with a ready submission. While others around us might be
disrespectful of those in authority or even purposefully disobedient, it is our
responsibility to be good citizens.
We are “to be subject to rulers and authorities” (3:1). Not just to those for whom we
voted. Not just the ones of the same political party. Not just in regard to the laws with
which we agree or that we like. Paul gives no exceptions, just a blanket reminder: “be
subject to rulers and authorities.”
You need to be that good citizen, one who models biblical truth in your attitudes and
actions regarding our government.
What are your attitudes and actions about government? Take time right now to pray for
those who are in government. Pray by name for our president and other leaders.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony beckett

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