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Daily Strength Blog

Esther 6-8, Acts 6 • Key Verses: Acts 6:2-4
If you want something done, ask a busy person. Why? Because busy people are used to getting
things done. Some people never seem to get anything done, while others clip along at jet speed,
accomplishing task after task. There is a problem with this, however. Things might get done, but
is the person still doing the important things?
The Twelve were very busy men. Their responsibilities included distributing food daily to the
widows. That was a good thing to do, but the job had grown so large that two negative things
were happening. One is that they were unable to keep up with all the widows who had need. The
other is that they were neglecting prayer and the ministry of the Word.
Something had to change. Getting others to help with the work was the solution. Other godly
men were enlisted to take over this important work so the Twelve could give their attention to
prayer and the ministry of the Word.
There are two things that a pastor cannot delegate to someone else to do: prayer and the ministry
of the Word. The principle of delegation remains. Others can do “material” ministries, allowing
pastors time for “spiritual” ministries. Both are important, and neither is to be neglected. But
while one can be delegated, the other cannot.

What are you doing to allow your pastor to have time for prayer and ministry of the Word? Your
“material” ministry allows for his “spiritual” ministry. The time you take is actually time you

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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