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Daily Strength Blog

Esther 1—2, Acts 5:1-21 Acts 5:12-14

A growing trend in sports is for athletes from opposing teams to gather after the game, kneel and
pray. What began as the practice of a few players on one team has spread to other sports, from
the ranks of pros down to prep athletes.
A simple act becomes a public confession of faith. Some players refuse to join in, even though
they may “respect them” for their faith. Others are drawn to the circle of prayer because they
desire a relationship—not just with other athletes, but with Jesus Christ. When they commit
themselves to Jesus and join the circle of prayer, they join the people of God as well.
This happened in the Book of Acts too. “The believers used to meet together in Solomon’s
Colonnade” (v. 12). That was the public arena for them. This simple act became a confession of
Yet “no one else dared joined them, even though they were highly regarded by the people” (v.
13). They were respected for what they did. “Nevertheless, more and more men and women
believed in the Lord” (v. 14). Others did join as they committed their lives to Jesus.
Our simple acts, done in public, can be used to bring others to Jesus.
Does your commitment to Christ show? Perhaps praying before a meal in a restaurant will be
the testimony that touches another. Maybe you can join or lead a group in prayer after a game.
Even the regularity of your church attendance can tell others that Jesus matters to you. But
remember to follow up your lifestyle with the verbal word of testimony. Help others come to
Christ by how you live and what you say.

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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