Nehemiah 4-6, Acts 2:22-47 • Key Verse: Acts 2:42
What we learn from the past can help us prepare for the future. God has given us the Bible to tell
us how to be saved and how to live as His people. It is very important that we learn to live as part
of the community of believers, in fellowship with others as part of the church.
In Acts we are given a picture of the first church, and it is a model for us to follow. When we
look at it we are in one sense going back, but as we learn and follow this model, we are looking
to the future.
The first church was devoted to very specific things: teaching, fellowship, communion and
prayer. Together, they learned the Word, remembered what Jesus had done and prayed. These
were the hallmarks of the first-century church and should be of the last-century church,
whenever that may be.
Notice also that they were together both in the temple courts and in homes. The large-group
gatherings and small-group ones provided a balance in their experience and increased their
Among other reasons, we need large-group worship and fellowship to remind us that we are part
of something much greater than ourselves and to give testimony to others that the church is alive.
And in small groups, the instruction can be more specific, we can be held accountable to one
another, and we can more effectively minister to others in the Body of Christ.
What is your involvement with others in the Body of Christ? Follow the example of the first
church and be devoted as they were to learning the Word, fellowshipping, remembering Christ’s
work and praying.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett