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Daily Strength Blog

2 Chronicles 13-14, John 12:1-26 • Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 13:10

The familiar phrase “in it for the long haul” is sometimes used in regards to investing. Day traders are people who buy and sell stocks in a way that focuses on, short-term gain rather than long-term.

Some investment counselors advise against that and recommend investing for the long haul. Let the money stay and gain over the years rather than by the minute.

Our commitment to God is to be for that proverbial long haul and not a thing of the moment or for the crisis du jour. Once we receive Jesus as Savior, we need to focus our hearts on life-long discipleship, not wavering but continuing in our commitment.

When the people in Judah abandoned the Law of the Lord, God dealt with them in a way that got their attention. The attack of Shishak, king of Egypt, was humbling. Then when Israel, under the leadership of Jeroboam, attacked Rehoboam’s successor, Abijah, God gave Judah the victory.
What had changed? They were once again committed to God.

Abijah said to the armies from the north, “As for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken him” (13:10). Each of us should be able to say, at any point in our life, that we have not forsaken God. We are to be committed for the long haul.

Asa, the next king, also did right. He acknowledged that “the land is still ours, because we have sought the Lord our God” (14:7). As they remained faithful, God blessed.
God’s blessing is desirable, but to receive it, our commitment is necessary.

_You cannot live on yesterdays obedience. Pray that today you will be faithful, and remind yourself to pray this prayer daily_.

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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