1 Samuel22-24, Luke 12:1-31 • Key Verse: 1 Samuel 23:16
A popular song says, “Lean on me when you’re not strong, and I’ll be your friend, I’ll help you
carry on. For it won’t be long till we’re going to need somebody to lean on.” At times we all
realize the truth of those words: we need someone to be there for us, someone to lean , on.
David was going through one of those times when a very special friend showed up.
Saul had heard that David was in Keilah, so he headed that direction in pursuit. When David
heard that Saul was coming, he asked God what to do. With the warning confirmed by God,
David returned to the desert strongholds; A good first response! He went to God, as should we.
Then along came his close friend. Jonathan was the person David could lean on. Saul’s son went
to David “and helped him find strength in God” (23:16).
Notice two things. First, David had gone to God and God used a friend to help him. There will be
times we need someone, and someone will need us to be that friend.
Second, Jonathan helped him find strength in God. The ultimate source of strength, the mostneeded resource, is not human effort but God.
Just having, or being, someone to lean on is not enough. The strength we need and the
encouragement we give must go beyond our abilities to God’s resources. Through His Word and
prayer, we can help others find their strength in God.
“I need to learn to lean on You, O God. Help me do that right now and throughout each day. ”
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett