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Daily Strength Blog

Judges 4-6, Luke 4:31-44 • Key Verse: Judges 6:12
The name Gideon strikes a few notes in our brain, such as “mighty man of valor” and “hero of
the faith.” Then the notes sound sour as we can then think, “Not like me.” Gideon is seen as a
great man, while we often feel like much less.
Yes, he is included in the list of heroes in Hebrews 11. Yes, he was a mighty man of valor. It was
not always that way, though. He started out quite fearful.
When we first meet Gideon, he is threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the Midianites
(6:11). He’s hiding out. Then when the . angel tells him that he is being sent to save Israel, his
reply is not a mighty one. “How can I?” he asks (v, 15).

After a great deal of “coaxing” and encouragement from God,
Gideon did finally lead the fight to drive out the Midianites. God patiently worked with His
reluctant warrior.

God can meet us where we are and lead us to where He wants us to be. Our lack of self-
confidence may seem insurmountable. Remember, though, that our God is the same as Gideons.

The One who saw a mighty man of valor in Gideon sees a choice servant in you. He has
equipped you and challenges you to serve Him.
Don’t think God works only through “super saints.” He uses ordinary believers made
extraordinary by being available, teachable and useable.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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