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Daily Strength Blog

Joshua 19-21, Luke. 2:25-52 • Key Verses: Luke 2:29-30
Patience is not a widely practiced virtue anymore. Today is the time for fast food, microwaves
and high-speed computers, just drive through, download and move on to the next thing.
Yet sometimes God says, “Wait.” To faithfully follow God, one must be willing to surrender to
not only the will of God but also to the “wait” of God.
The Bible tells us that Simeon was a man whom God had instructed! to wait, though we don’t
know for how long. He would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Christ (v. 26). Simeon
accepted the fact that the timing of his life and death were in God’s hands. Once he saw Jesus, he
then said, “Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace” (v.
In a similar way, Anna, an 84-year-old widow, was a faithful follower who never left the temple.
Hers was a life of worship (v. 37).
Simeon and Anna demonstrated remarkable patience. He waited. She remained faithful. Their
days, perhaps months and even years, were in God’s hands.
Patient faithfulness is a virtue that needs to be demonstrated in the lives of God’s followers
today. Have you surrendered to the “wait” of God?
When do you want God to answer your prayers? Probably right now. So, pray this prayer for
Him to answer now: “Lord, teach me to wait on You.”

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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