It’s an odd thing that we can say one thing and mean another. Sometimes people speak better
than they know.
In their mockery, the religious leaders spoke better than they knew When they challenged Jesus
to save Himself from the cross (vv. 31-32). They said the right thing. If Jesus were to fulfill His
messianic mission, He could not save Himself. His death was necessary for man’s redemption.
But their words carried the wrong meaning. In their minds, Jesus was powerless to save.
They knew He had healed others, but now since He was staying on the cross, they said that He
could not save Himself.
These were the right words, but with the wrong meaning. Jesus is not powerless to save, nor is
He unwilling. The nails did not hold Him fast to the cross. It was love—a love as hard as nails.
Had He saved Himself from death, He could not have saved others from something more deadly
than storms or illnesses. By His suffering, death and resurrection, Jesus taught us to “take up” the
cross, not to come down from one.
Many people say the right words about Jesus but do not grasp the real meaning. Do you? Do you
truly understand that Jesus had to stay on the cross?
If you have never received Jesus as your Savior, pray to do so now. If you have, thank Him for
staying on that cross until His work on our behalf was finished.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett