Deuteronomy 1—3, Mark 10:32-52 • Key Verse: Mark 10:38
The old cartoon character Pogo rephrased the words of Admiral Perry: “We have met the enemy
and he is us.” The struggles and failures so many people experience have as-their root nothing
other than self. In today’s reading, self-focus clashes with the kingdom agenda.
Jesus gave the agenda. “We are going up to Jerusalem,” He announced (v. 33). He spoke of His
upcoming betrayal, condemnation, mocking, death and resurrection.
Having heard this agenda, James and John made a request—to sit on either side of Jesus in His
glory. The clashing of agendas occurred as they shifted focus from Christ’s passion to their
desired positions of' honor.
Just as the request in the Numbers 32 reading (March 5) affected the nation as a whole, so this
request affected the disciples as a group. The others became “indignant with James and John” (v.
41). Jesus had to call them together to calm them down.
Consider James 4:1. “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your
desires that battle within you?”
Choose to focus on the kingdom agenda. Take the focus off yourself.
Try to see others before yourself. Perhaps today you will be able to put someone in front of you.
Learn to live for others.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett