Leviticus 19-20, Matthew 27:51-66 • Key Verse: Leviticus 19:2
Is there a child who has not at some point looked at his parent and asked, “Why?” And is there a
parent who has not replied, “Because”?
Sometimes when one reads the Old Testament, particularly the sections with various laws, the
why question comes to mind. The Book of Leviticus can do that to a person! It includes very
specific instructions regarding even mildew. Why?
Our passage today gives two direct reasons. “‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy”
(19:2). One reason is holiness. God's intent is not to give rules just for the sake of giving rules.
Carefully considered, the various laws and regulations have as their focus the holiness of God's
The other reason is relationship. “‘I am the Lord your God’” (v. 3). This theme is repeated
throughout these chapters and others. The word translated “Lord” points specifically to the
relationship between God and His redeemed people. He is our God, and we are His people. In
that relationship we are to serve and honor Him.
Rules for the sake of rules? No Rules for the sake of righteousness and as a part of our
relationship. Does your life reflect the holiness that God requires of His people?
To be holy is to be set apart. Are you set apart from sin and set apart to God? Does your life
show holiness?
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett