Leviticus 17-18, Matthew 27:27-50 Key Verses: Matthew 27:28-29
The imagery of the crown, that was set on Jesus head is much fuller than the English translation
conveys. It was a crudely and cruelly fashioned crown, the branches of a thorn bush hastily
twisted together. The blows to Jesus’ head undoubtedly added to the torment as the thorns
pushed painfully into His scalp.
That much of the picture is evident, but there is more. The crown specifically was a Stephanos.
This is the word for the victor’s crown, the type given as the symbol of triumph. The person
awarding the victor’s crown might be wearing a crown as well—in this case a diadem, the ruler’s
crown. These two Greek words are both translated “crown,” the one belonging to the ruler and
the other to the overcomer.
The crude and cruel crown of thorns upon Jesus’ brow was more than just a crown. It was the
symbol of the overcomer. The next time Jesus is described as wearing a crown is in Revelation
19:12, when He appears as the Rider on the White Horse. On His head are many crowns. This
time the word used is diadem. The Overcomer has returned to reign.
Worship King Jesus. He overcame death and hell. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus is
King! Take a moment to pray, to worship, praising Him as King.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett
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