Leviticus 15—16, Matthew 27:1-26 • Key Verses: Matthew 27:3-4
Peter's actions are tragic enough, but ultimately he served Jesus courageously and faithfully. Yes,
he denied and deserted Jesus, but he found forgiveness and restoration.
The actions of Judas are tragic but in a far more intense way. Ultimately he faced remorse and
took his life. He did not take the path that would lead to forgiveness and restoration.
Did Judas repent? Some versions translate verse three with the word repented. The Greek word
in that verse, however, does not indicate change. Instead, it carries the meaning of remorse, Judas
demonstrated his remorse in his interaction with the priests, by throwing the money into the
temple and by his suicide. He did not repent unto salvation, Judas could not escape responsibility
or undo results, and neither can we. Without forgiveness, remorse remains.
Remorse must be replaced with repentance. The proper action is to look to God and receive His
forgiveness. First John 1:9 promises that His response to our confession will be forgiveness.
Do not live in remorse. Go to God for forgiveness. Make the necessary changes in how you live,
and, like Peter, return to a life of obedience.
Is there a need for repentance in your life right now? Do not let sin drive you away from God.
Instead, draw near, asking for His forgiveness.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett
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