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Daily Strength Blog

What a tragedy it would be to go through life and not be a blessing to anyone! Epaphroditus was a blessing to Paul. Epaphroditus stood with Paul in his prison experience and did not permit even his own sickness to hinder his service. What times he and Paul must have had together! But Epaphroditus was also a blessing to his own church.

Paul admonishes the church to honor Epaphroditus because of his sacrifice and service. (Christ gets the glory, but there is nothing wrong with the servant receiving honor.) Epaphroditus sacrificed himself with no thought of reward, and Paul encouraged the church to hold him in honor to the glory of God.

He was a blessing to Paul and to his own church, and he is also a blessing to us today! He proves to us that the joyful life is the life of sacrifice and service and that the submissive mind really does work. He and Timothy together encourage us to submit ourselves to the Lord, and to one another, in the Spirit of Christ.

Christ is the Pattern we follow. Paul shows us the power, and Timothy and Epaphroditus are the proof that this mind really works. Will you permit the Spirit to reproduce “the mind of Christ” in you?

Remember this: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who … made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant” (Philippians 2:5-7).

Also read: Philippians 2:5-12, 25-30; 4:12-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13.

Action assignment: Think of being a person like Epaphroditus as you go through your day. Make it a point to be a faithful Christian servant.


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