The believer who lives by faith will “go on unto perfection” (He brews 6:1). But the believer who lives by sight will “draw back unto perdition” (Hebrews 10:39). The Greek word translated “perdition” is used about twenty times in the New Testament and is translated by different words: “perish” (Acts 8:20), “die” (Acts 25:16), “destruction” (Romans 9:22), and “waste” (Matthew 26:8).
The word can mean eternal judgment, but it need not in every instance. I personally believe that “waste” is the best translation for this word in Hebrews 10:39. A believer who does not walk by faith goes back into the old ways and wastes his life.
“The saving of the soul” is the opposite of “waste.” To walk by faith means to obey God’s Word and live for Jesus Christ. We lose our lives for His sake—but we save them! People who turn their backs on God’s will dike Israel), spend years “wandering in the wilderness” of waste. But we can be confident! As we walk by faith, our great High Priest will guide us and perfect us!
Verse for today: “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Consider: Matthew 16:25-27; Numbers 14:1-35; Psalm 31:3.
Action assignment: Go back over today’s reading and underline two important truths. How well are you doing? Determine how you can put these truths to work before this day is over.