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Daily Strength Blog

The sin of Israel was apostasy—“departing from the living God.” Does “apostasy” mean
abandoning one’s faith and therefore being condemned forever? No. The children of Israel
departed from the living God by refusing God’s will for their lives and stubbornly wanting to
go their own way back to Egypt.
God did not permit them to return to Egypt. Rather, He disciplined them in the wilderness.
True believers have an eternal salvation because they trust a living Saviour who constantly
intercedes for them. But this confidence is no excuse for sin.
God disciplines His children. Believers who doubt God’s Word and rebel against Him do not
miss heaven, but they do miss out on the blessings of their inheritance today—and they must
suffer the chastening of God.
Verse for today: “And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew
28:20, NIV).

More from God’s Word: Psalms 95 and 139; Matthew 28:17-20; 1 Timothy 4:1-5; Hebrews
Action assignment: Name three things you look forward to in heaven. Look for ways of
cultivating these in your activities and experiences today. For example, if you look forward to
worshiping God in heaven, worship Him today.
If you look forward to living in peace and understanding with others, work for that now.
Cultivating your hopes about heaven can help you not to depart from God. Thank God for
His faithfulness to you.


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