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Daily Strength Blog

Jesus is the Christian’s example, especially in the way He responded to suffering. He proved
that a person could be in the will of God, be greatly loved by God, and still suffer unjustly.
There is a shallow brand of popular theology today that claims Christians will not suffer if
they are in the will of God. Those who promote such ideas have not meditated much on the

Our Lord’s humility and submission were not an evidence of weakness but of power. Jesus
could have summoned the armies of heaven to rescue Him! His words to Pilate in John
18:33-38 are proof that He was in complete command of the situation.
It was Pilate who was on trial, not Jesus! Jesus had committed Himself to the Father, and the
Father always judges righteously.
We are not saved by following Christ's example, because each of us would stumble over 1
Peter 2:22, which records that Jesus “did no sin.” Sinners need a Saviour, not an example.
Christ becomes our example only after we have received Him as Saviour. Then He is our
example in many respects, including suffering.
We will want to “follow closely upon His steps” (a literal translation of the final words in 1
Peter 2:21, below).
Verse for today: “For evenhere unto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us,
leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21).
Also read: Matthew 11:29; 20:27-28; John 10:4; 13:13.
Action assignment: List as many ways as possible that you can follow Jesus. Ask God to
help you grow more and more like His Son.


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