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Daily Strength Blog

When you trust Jesus Christ, He frees you from the guilt and punishment brought by sin. But
He also frees you from the bondage of sin’s power, so that you can walk in the freedom of
your new life. He sets you free from the fear of death.
He delivers you from the power of Satan and enables you to live in victory over temptation.
You are also free from the Law with all its demands and judgments. The Christian life is one
of joyful liberty in the will of God!
Freedom in Christ is what enables you to become all that God wants you to become. As you
yield to Christ and obey Him, He reproduces Himself in you, and this enables you to be

yourself. A paradox? Of course—but a blessed paradox! True individuality is the result of
surrender to Christ.
Cult leaders duplicate themselves in their naive followers, who gradually lose their freedom
and their individuality. But Jesus Christ reproduces Himself in His disciples, who enjoy
freedom and individuality in the happy will of God!
Verse for today: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free… If the Son
therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:32, 36).
Also read: Psalm 126; Romans 6; 7:1-6; 1 Corinthians 15:50-58; Colossians 1:13-14.
Action assignment: True freedom is doing whatever God wants us to do, because that is what
is best for us. Using Psalm 139:23- 24 as your prayer today, ask God to show you “the truth
that shall make you free.” With His power, take the action that is necessary to get rid of any
sin. Then thank Him for His great gift of freedom.

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