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Daily Strength Blog

JOB 11:7
"Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?"
As the people of Job's day walked the earth, they likely didn't know that our world is 8,000 miles in
diameter, with approximately 198,980,000 square miles on its surface. It is unlikely that they realized
that this globe we call home is composed of 264 billion cubic miles.
Most surely it was beyond their knowledge to compute that even though Earth is big, Saturn is 995
times bigger and Jupiter is 1,281 times bigger still. Furthermore, they had no inkling that beyond the
few stars they could see there were at least 300 billion more.
Yet even without the benefit of all these mind-boggling figures, the people of Job's day knew that
God, the Creator of all they saw, was bigger than anything they could comprehend.
Zophar the Naamathite, one of Job's friends, was right when he said that no one could plumb God's
depths or find God's limits. His thoughts run deeper than any human wisdom; His power outstrips
man's best efforts.
Some people object to the concept of God because He is beyond their ability to understand. They
argue that if they can't comprehend Him, then certainly He must not exist. Others simply dismiss Him
as irrelevant because He fails to act as they feel He should.
Yet God says, "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways,
and My thoughts than your thoughts" (Isa. 55:9). Who is man to try to whittle God down to what he
can understand?
Let God be God. Don't try to shrink Him down to fit neatly within your scheme of things. If He were
small enough for you to comprehend, He wouldn't be big enough for you to worship.
The fact that He is beyond your understanding is confirmation that no situation will ever exceed His
ability to handle it. To live confidently, you don't have to understand God– you just have to trust Him.

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