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Daily Strength Blog

RUTH 1:6
Then she arose with her daughters-in- law that she might return from the country of Moab for she
had heard in the country of Moab that the Leno had visited His people by giving them bread.
A Christian man took his eyes off God and committed a crime. He was arrested and served a
seven-year sentence in a penal institution. Through an encounter with a Barnabas-like pastor,
however, this man was led to know the restorative power of the blood of Jesus Christ. On the
flyleaf of his Bible he wrote, "The soul that comes to Jesus through failure, shame, or pain, by
His wondrous love and ·mercy may soar as high again."
The famine that God sent on Israel had brought a great deal of pain. It had been the primary
motivation for Elimelech and his family to migrate to Moab. But for those who remained in the
land, this tribulation apparently accomplished its purpose. The people repented of their sins and
turned to God. For His part, God graciously restored their food supply. As the reports of Israel's
recovery reached Moab, Naomi's desire was turned back toward her homeland. Although God
still had
work to do in her heart, this decision was the first step in her restoration to Him. When we have

sinned and turned our backs on God, the Lord often sends chastening events into our lives. As
our hearts are brought to the breaking point, · we sometimes wonder if God will receive us back.
Is it possible for someone who has dwelt in a distant land for many years to come home again?
The answer is always yes. Even though our sins are like scarlet, they can be washed white as
snow (Isa.1:18).
Have you wandered away from God? Have you been away too long? Do you fear what His
response will be if you return to Him? Take heart. Jesus said, "The one who comes to Me I will
by no means cast out" (John 6:37). Confess your sins, place them under the blood of Christ, and
turn yourself toward home.



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