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Daily Strength Blog

1 Samuel 16:18

Then one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person;

and the Lord is with him.”

Dr. John Broadus, a distinguished professor and gifted preacher, was asked by a student to write in his autograph book. The young man was known as an outstanding scholar, but Dr. Broadus knew he was not a Christian. So the professor wrote in his book three Greek words that meant, “One thing thou lackest.”

Years later Dr. Broadus received a letter from an eminent medical doctor in Texas. In the letter the physician said that he had never been able to forget those words in his book and that now he had the one thing he formerly lacked. He had Christ.

David was a very gifted man as well. He was a talented musician whose psalms are still set to music today. He was a valiant warrior. The women of Israel sang, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:7). He was a wise counselor and a handsome person.

But more important than all these was this fact: the Lord was with him. All David’s giftedness would have been for nothing had he lacked that one essential element—God’s presence.

People often look at others and admire them for their various abilities. They may wish they could play an instrument like their favorite musician, or that they could be as intellectually astute as their college professor.

Rarely, however, do we ask ourselves, Does this person have God’s presence in his or her life? Would we really want to trade places with even the most talented person if he didn’t know the Lord?

If you feel left out in the giftedness department, remember that you can have the most important gift of all—Christ’s presence in your life. There are no auditions, no IQ tests, no talent contests required. All you need is an open heart to receive the Savior. Do it today.



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