Do you believe that God has spoken? Yes, He has spoken. Not only that, but He has spoken objectively and the record of His objective speech is the Bible. If you never hear God speaking subjectively – that is, in your head and heart – you can still build your life on the objective Word of God. By reading, studying and gaining inner conviction of the truth of the Bible, you will encounter the very “speech” of God. As well, you will find that it is the speech of God to you personally!
Hebrews 1:1-3 says, “Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son, whom He appointed the Heir of all things, through whom He also created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature, and He upholds the universe by the word of His power.” In this passage, we see that the writer of Hebrews is reaching towards a climax. “In these last days,” he says, “the God who speaks – who has spoken in the past in many ways – has in these last days spoken comprehensively and decisively in His Son.”
The Bible presents us with a picture of the speaking God, in which all of His speech was leading to a final, complete word. It is leading to a climax. So what is the climax? God has spoken to us in His Son. In other words, Jesus is different than any prophet, or any internal sense of God. He is different than God speaking in creation. Not only is He different, but also, He is superior.
1 First, He is not a prophet. He is the Son.
2 He is not the one who speaks of the creation. He is the Creator.
3 God has appointed his Son as the Heir of all things.
Think of it this way. My father passed away several years ago. Let me tell you what I did not inherit from my father. If he had left a will and said, “To my son John, I leave B.C. Place, the CN Tower in Toronto, the UN Building in New York and the Eiffel Tower in Paris,” I can assure you that no one would hand those keys over to me. Even if I came with the will and pointed out that it was legal, I would be told that I cannot inherit from my father that which did not belong to him. But, God the creator has never relinquished His right to His creation. All that exists is His by right. And the Father has entrusted all things to His only begotten Son.
Jesus did not write anything in the Bible; rather He entrusted the writing of His revelation to men whom he handpicked. And what they wrote was authentic in that it accurately portrayed everything that Jesus did and said. Secondly, what they wrote added the complete and final word of God, but it was also completely in line with and affirmed all that God had spoken in the past. So if you want to hear God’s voice, and you want more than a subjective sense of God speaking, or you want to get beyond what may appear to you as the silence of God, may I urge you to consider this amazing book?
APPLICATION: Are you seeking to hear God’s voice to you through His Word? In the words of philosopher and theologian Francis Schaeffer, “He is here and He is not silent.” God has spoken – and we can hear – if we will but listen. Let us thank God for the incredible revelation He has given to us through the Son!
“…but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son…” (Heb 1:2a)
Dr. John Neufeld
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