Faith walk GOD WILL COME

Isaiah 34—36, Colossians 2 Key Verses: Isaiah 35:3-4 A writer was describing his experience of hiking in the Grand Canyon, I was surprised when he said that coming back up the trail at the end of the day was easier than his earlier descent into the canyon. It seems like...

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Isaiah 32—33, Colossians 1 Key Verse: Colossians 1:18 Supremacy is a rather limited word. We may try to use it broadly, but when something or someone has supremacy, it really is singular. Only one can be supreme. Anyone else may be close, but not quite. The same is true of...

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Faith walk DON’T WORRY!

Isaiah 30-31, Philippians 4 • Key Verse: Philippians 4:6 Back To The BIBLE Leading people into dynamic relation with God Unlike the popular song a few years back, God never tells us, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Mindlessness is never the answer to anxiety. Avoidance may be a chosen path, but...

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Isaiah 28-29,Philippians 3 • Key Verse: Isaiah 29:13 Remember paint-by-number sets? The pictures were divided into numbered sections, each number indicating the color to go into that portion. People could paint just by putting the right-numbered paint into the corresponding areas of the picture. When done, the person had a...

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Isaiah 26-27, Philippians 2 • Key Verse: Isaiah 26:3 There is something peaceful about the sound of the word tranquility. Life typically is lived on the edge—the ragged edge. Peace, an over used word, is reduced to a slogan, something known but not experienced. But since we have not overused...

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Isaiah 23-25, Philippians 1 • Key Verse: Isaiah 24:14 A typical view of worship is much more narrow than what is Found in the Bible. It may be that you conceive of worship as a Sunday morning service, something to attend once a week at most. Perhaps your view is...

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Faith walk ALL!

Isaiah 20-22, Ephesians 6 • Key Verse: Ephesians 6:18 Some words are so simple and clear that they should not need definition. All is one of those words. It means … well, you know, it means all While we may understand the word, there are times when we need to...

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Isaiah 17-19, Ephesians 5:17-33 Key Verses: Isaiah 17:7-8 Man has the innate ability to look more to what can be seen and made than to the unseen God, who is the Maker of all things. That is the lure of idolatry. A person can see an idol or make or...

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Faith walk LIFE IS SHORT

Isaiah 14-16, Ephesians 5:1-16 • Key Verses: Ephesians 5:15-16 Perhaps you have seen this slogan: “Life is short. Play hard.” Perhaps you also have seen the rewritten version: “Life is short. Pray hard.” One letter makes all the difference. It is- the difference between a temporal mind-set and an eternal...

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Isaiah 11—13, Ephesians 4 Key Verse: Ephesians 4:31 Do you remember the medicines your mother tried to give you as a child? There was aspirin, cough syrup, cod liver oil and more. And for some reason mothers were always trying to get kids to take castor oil. All I remember...

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