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Daily Strength Blog

Isaiah 34—36, Colossians 2 Key Verses: Isaiah 35:3-4
A writer was describing his experience of hiking in the Grand Canyon, I was surprised when he
said that coming back up the trail at the end of the day was easier than his earlier descent into the
canyon. It seems like uphill would always be harder, especially when it is the last part of the hike.
But knowing that the hike would soon be over, that he could return to his air-conditioned room,
that dinner was waiting at the end, made the climb tip easier than the climb down. Basically, hope
made the last part less difficult. What he knew was ahead kept him going. His knees felt better and
his thoughts were not on cardiac arrest, either! The rim was just ahead, and with it would come
rest, refreshment and relief.
Far greater than a motel room with an air conditioner is the word of hope given to the redeemed
by the prophet Isaiah. His message was, “‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come’” (35:4).
Those words would “strengthen the feeble hands,” “steady the knees that give way” and
encourage those with “fearful hearts.” Better than a room on the rim of the Grand Canyon is the
truth that God will come!
The way our life takes us can be hard. The world in which we live can be difficult. Our souls may
weary, weakening our hands, our knees, our hearts -but to the weary pilgrim God gives words of
hope. He will come.
”God, fill my heart, mind and soul with hope. Help me climb, renewed and reinvigorated by the reminder
that You will one day come”.
Woodrow kroll & Tony beckett

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