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Daily Strength Blog

1 Kings 16-18, Luke 22:47-71 • Key Verse: 1 Kings 18:17

As the story a couple of days ago illustrates, we do like to shift blame. Adam started it, Eve followed, and there’s no telling how many others have done it.

There’s one problem with blaming others, however: God knows who is to blame, and the longer we continue to live in denial, the longer it will be before we change directions, do what is right and learn the lessons God has for us.

Ahab was a blame shifter. God was punishing Israel with a long drought, which the prophet Elijah had announced. In the mind of Ahab the king, the drought was Elijahs fault. His “greeting” toward Elijah demonstrated his attitude: “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?” (18:17).
Elijah tossed the blame back squarely on Ahab’s shoulders. “I have not made trouble for Israel,” he said, “but you and your fathers family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and have followed the Baals” (v. 18).

Since he couldn’t shift the blame and didn’t like the message, Ahab wanted to “shoot” the messenger, Elijah. What else was there to do?

Unfortunately: that is still done today. The faithful pastor may be pressured to leave the church because his messages are too pointed. The friend who counsels may be rejected because the truth hurts.

The spouse may feel the tension because what he or she said is not what the other wanted to hear.
It’s easier to call the other person “the troubler” when the real troublemaker is yourself. Don’t be like Ahab. When the blame fits, accept responsibility, and then change.

_Do you see yourself as others see you? Do you see your faults as God sees them? “Help me, God, to know the wrong in my life that I might do what is right instead. ”_

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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