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Daily Strength Blog

Judges 19-21, Luke 7:31-50 • Key Verse: Luke 7:47
There is an old joke about a wife asking her husband if he loves her. He assures her that he does.
When she points out to him that he never tells her that he loves her, he replies, “I told you I loved
you at our wedding. If anything had changed, I. would have told you.”
It would be the exceptional marriage that would thrive in the midst of such a drought of
affirmation. For any relationship to continue to strengthen, there needs to be constant
reaffirmations of love in both word and deed.
One day a woman expressed her love to Jesus. She did it by taking care of some basic needs, the
sort of things a host would provide for a guest. It was a customary act of hospitality for a
person’s feet to be washed. That is what this woman did, even though Jesus was not a guest in
her home.
She not only washed His feet but demonstrated her thankfulness and love for Him by bringing
perfume, drying with her hair her own tears that had fallen on His feet, and kissing His feet.
Jesus was criticized for her actions by His host, a Pharisee. But Jesus would hear none of it. This
woman, who was forgiven for much, loved Jesus much and demonstrated it.
Does your love for Jesus show? Is it, evident in your words and deeds? Whom are you most
like—the host or the woman?
Begin with a prayer that expresses your love for Jesus, and then think about ways that you can
show your love for Him today.

Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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