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Daily Strength Blog

Never forget that the Christian life is lived on the battlefield. We are in a war. The line is clearly
drawn and the sides are diametrically opposed. It is the people of God versus Satan and his
Never forget which side you are on, either! Sometimes we can inadvertently aid the enemy,
especially when we are not thinking biblically What Peter said in Mark 8 is one of the greatest
confessions of faith of all times. While some said Jesus was John, Elijah or one of the prophets,
Peter said, “You are the Christ” (v. 29).

Then when Jesus began to teach the disciples about His anticipated death, Peter rebuked Him.
With that rebuke, he was aiding the enemy. In turn, Jesus rebuked Peter, “Get behind me,
Satan!” (v. 33). His words must have startled Peter.
The crux of the matter was that when Peter no longer had in mind the things of God, he was
aiding the enemy.
Our views are not to be those of man or of our own reasoning. Our views, attitudes, reasonings
and beliefs must be molded by the Word of God. When our thinking turns to minding the things
of men instead of the mind of God, we aid the cause of Satan.
Learn to see things God's way. This will come as you learn His Word, pray and allow His Spirit
to guide you.
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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