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Daily Strength Blog

Leviticus 26-27, Mark 2 • Key Verse: Mark 2:5
In the account of the healing of the paralytic, attention is immediately drawn to the actions of his
friends. They are determined enough to dig through the roof in order to get the man to Jesus.
Mark writes that “Jesus saw their faith” (v. 5).

Faith is an intangible. It cannot be weighed on a scale or measured with a ruler. There is no way
to biopsy it or to attach it to a monitoring device. Yet Jesus saw their faith.
Specifically, Jesus saw the demonstration of their faith. He recognized that their bold action-was
evidence of their belief. They really believed Jesus could heal.
Suppose they had done nothing but believe. The man would have stayed a paralytic. To believe
is one thing; to live out that belief is another thing—a necessary thing.
James commands us, “Do not merely listen to the word …. Do what it says” (James 1:22). Jesus
could see their faith by what they did.
Do others see your faith? To believe is one thing; to live out your belief is another. Let there be
no doubt in the minds of those who know you. Let them see your faith.
“Help me today, God, to make my faith seen. Give me an opportunity to do something that
unmistakably is an act of faith. ”
Woodrow Kroll & Tony Beckett

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