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Daily Strength Blog


“It is a difficult thing that the king requires, and there is no other who can tell it to the King
except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.”
A farmer was plowing his field when he noticed a very large anthill out in the middle of the
field. It was evident that hundreds, perhaps thousands of ants had worked long and hard to
build this magnificent edifice.
Now, in a short time, his plow would destroy it, along with many of the ants that lived there.
I wonder, he thought, how I might communicate with them. I could write them a letter, but
they couldn’t read it.
I could stand near their home and urge’ them to flee from destruction. But they wouldn’t
understand me. Then he realized there was really only one solution he would have to become
an ant and dwell among them.
The gods the Babylonians worshiped were deities who kept themselves apart from their
worshipers. At best, they communicated only through the priests and priestesses who served
them in the temples.
It took the true God to devise a meaningful way to communicate with His people. John 1:14
tells us, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory
as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Christians have the privilege of communicating with a God who is not way off in some
distant place. Instead, He is as near as our next breath (Acts 17 :28).

We don’t have to go to a special place to speak with Him; He dwells in us and delights to
fellowship with us. By becoming one of us and dying for our sins; He has made it possible
for us to carry every burden to Him and leave it there.
Rejoice that God wrapped Himself in human flesh and dwelt among us. Give thanks that He
is only a prayer away. Whatever question or concern you may have, come to Him. His word
and His Spirit are always available to help you find the answer.

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